We just finished writing our brand new Seeds of Faith Family Worship Guide! This free gift from Kylie is the Faith family worship guide. It was truly so fun to write because all of us participated together! One of the most special parts of the new guide is that Kylie wrote the devotion for 'Mustard Seed'. Not to be bias, but it's an awesome devotion.
I think most of you know Kylie, but if you don't... Kylie is our 'Worship Girl' that leads our hand motions on all the videos. Kylie's parents are both Seeds Family Worship full-time missionaries and everyone in the family is part of the Seeds ministry. Kylie's role in the ministry has been to write all the hand motions with a team of young people and our ministry founder, Jason Houser. She also travels on events and helps in the fullfillment center when needed.
The new Seeds of Faith Worship Guide releases late this month, but we wanted to share this devotion with you now. This is an awesome opportunity for you to lead a Family Worship Time with your family. Another name for Family Worship is Family Devotions. This is the practice of intentionally setting aside time to teach, train and disciple your family. This devotion was created to make family worship around 10-15 minutes, but do whatever works for your family. We have created these devotions so that every family can easily have worship time together around God’s Word.
Here is everything you need to create an awesome family worship time: For ‘Sing’ Section: Download Video. For ‘Read & Talk’ Section: Download & Print Family Devotion Mustard Seed!
Once you have downloaded the video, song and devotion let your family know what day and time you are going to meet. Then just follow the instructions on the devotion and you are set up to have awesome family time around God’s Word.