I define family worship as a practice of intentionally setting aside time to teach, train and disciple your family in God's Word.
Family Worship comes in different forms and rhythms and looks different for every family. Some families have worship every day, some once a week and others have yet to get started.
As far as time spent, I think short worship times can be very effective. As my kids have hit their teenage years we now spend extended times in worship and prayer, but when they were young I would keep it to 5-10 minutes. We still often meet in the 10 minute time frame.
Don’t get discouraged. Some days are great and some days are not as great.
This is not a sales pitch. I am going to talk about using Seeds because this is what we use at our house. For us, this does simplify our Family Worship time, and it may do the same for you.
Set aside time. Let your family know in advance when you would like to meet. Pick a time that works well for everyone in the family so that all can attend.
Open With Prayer
Play (and sing) a Seeds song or watch a Seeds video. Couple of notes:
Open the Bible and read the scripture in context and talk about what it means. Start a discussion by asking questions about the scripture. This is a great time for Mom or Dad to tell a story and talk about how this scripture has impacted them or how God has used in their life.
Play (and sing) a Seeds song or watch a Seeds video again. After the song, we go around one by one and each person says the scripture we just learned. Usually they have it memorized, (even if they have to sing it with me). Lots of encouragement happens here after each person says the scripture.
Close in Prayer! Ask your kids how you can pray for them and share how they can pray for you. Ultimately in life you kids will learn how to pray by watching you.
I know what you are thinking. WOW… THAT IS EASY! The best part is your kid’s will be memorizing scripture and hiding God’s Word in their hearts. If you use the Seeds music and videos your kids will have over 100 scriptures memorized before you know it.
This week we are giving your family one of my favorite videos, Fishers Of Men (Matthew 4:18-20). Click here and add (Matthew 4:18-20) to your cart for FREE! Download it and use it for family worship. (Free Gift Expires 10/22/2016)
[Your FREE gift. Click on the link and then add the video to cart from the video list. You will see it marked FREE. https://www.seedsfamilyworship.com/product/seeds-purpose-dvd/ ]