Seeds from the word: Seek First

Mondays can be heavy sometimes with our list of to-dos for the kids and work. Today, what are you seeking? If you keep your attention on all of the activities, deadlines or even a challenging conversation you might have or already have had, you will inevitably become discouraged.

Instead of letting your mind replay the tape or allowing yourself to become distracted by minor disappointments today- seek "His Kingdom and His righteousness," God will take care of it; he will pave the way if you trust Him. Let's seek Him today instead of let our thoughts and worries lead the way. Have a great Monday Fam!#seedsfromtheword #mondaymotivation #encouragementformoms #matthew6 #godsword #seedsfamilyworship #singgodsword #mondaymotivationformoms


Photo of our Ministry Director in the Seeds Kids Worship office

Sabrina Harrison

Sabrina Harrison has been leading Kids Worship for over 20 years. She values her worship experiences at Summer Camp and Vacation Bible School the most. She loves to train up future worship leaders with her 5th and 6th Graders that are moving or have moved into Middle School Youth Group. Her favorite Seeds Kids Worship song is More Than Conquerors.

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